We are very excited to be launching our Small Groups in the next few weeks, September 11th to be exact! You may be asking, "What are Small Groups?" Small Groups are essentially fellowship and bible study in a person’s home. We will be meeting in the homes of two different church members, John & Ingrid Baudy in Grafton, and Josh & Jennene Ferguson in Hoosick Falls. Having these groups will allow us as a church to have a weekly rhythm of fellowship around God's Word and allow our gracious hosts to practice hospitality by opening their homes regularly. The first day for these groups is on September 11th and they will run weekly from then until November 20th. The Ferguson's group will meet at their home in Hoosick Falls each Sunday from 2-4pm. The Baudy's group will meet at their home in Grafton at 2-4pm. 

On the final Sunday of each month both groups will gather at the church for a combined Small Group. We will continue our time of fellowship and one of the leaders of the Small Group or a Small Group participant will lead the discussion for both groups. This way both groups stay connected with one another and we gain some diversity in discussion built into our rhythm. For this semester the days we plan to meet for combined Small Groups will be September 25th, October 30th, and November 20th. 

We will be studying the book "What is the Gospel?" by Greg Gilbert. Each Small Group participant will be given the book along with a study guide to follow with, free of charge. Each week we gather we will dive into the Scriptures to explore the different aspects of the gospel of Jesus together that the book points us towards. This will be a helpful resource to plainly explaining and understanding the gospel to help lead us to faithful obedience in our life, as well as obedience to sharing the gospel with those around us. 

Please take this invitation to join us as we launch our Small Groups in the coming weeks! We are hosting a "Small Groups Launch Lunch" this Sunday following our church service which begins at 10:45am. We will have food, fellowship, and the opportunity to hear more about Small Groups and meet the hosts! Invite your friends to join us this Sunday for our launch, but also each week beginning September 11th for Small Groups! Spread the word!